Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bear with me i am gettting used to my new home ...

                                    New premises ....

As i have been in the labyrinth and maze of network solutions for the last 5 years (waste of time money and exposure ) i have  eventually feel like i moved to a  a better place  .......

You know that feeling when you have been in place for a long time and then you move to a new apartment ...this is what it feels like my old website felt like an untidy room  unable to de-clutter  it  

I am getting used to working and thanks to go and the elite services of jamesworley .com i think i found  my place it is taking me a while to get used to  stuff and having.......... skyping back and forth to fix stuff .....

if you are reading my blogs and find them a little  strange  i am a work in process so i  might be making some mistakes ...

I hope to load more of  my thought/rambles/poetry /thoughts and what else i can jam in i hope you enjoy my rants and raves .....

my blogs may be a little inconsistent ,you know if a  proof reader was to look at it  they would critic it to death ,but hey who the hell ,are critics anyways ...

Those of you have  known me or read my stuff know it gets a little nuts from time to time.....

please feel free t comment i am thick skinned and really do not give a flying ????  so rock on , is too short to be miserable 

just remember we are here for a short time, there are no dress rehearsal ........... you get one shot at life enjoy and  make the best of it................

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......