Saturday, June 15, 2013

Experts Warn Eyeball Licking Trend Can Injure the Eye, Damage Sight - ABC News

Experts Warn Eyeball Licking Trend Can Injure the Eye, Damage Sight - ABC News:

'via Blog this'...I am not sure about you, i have i have l have licked  almost every part of the female  anatomy ...apart from  the  sewage works ....but the japanese have stumbled on something i think cannot be sexual...unless your an optician with a fetish...i do not know  where  someones  tongue has  been,so letting them lick my eyeball is  a no go ...the rest of  my  body  i can use  hypo wipes .....but eyeballs  i do not get it  you need  these buggers  more than any other  body part ....well if thats  your bag...i prefer  the [parts that  taste good 

Loch Ness monster - Yahoo! Image Search Results

Loch Ness monster - Yahoo! Image Search Results:

'via Blog this'...I have been to loch ness many,many times  in all weathers,and without any hesitation can tell you  that the loch ness monster is a great tourist trap....being from scotland and  100% scottish ,i like everyone else think its a  great  money maker,from all these happy tourists who love buying shite trinkets  made in china.....
I have fished there many, many years  ago ....camped there ...many, many years  ago ...and spent  every season,and condition...and i have to say without any hesitation .....there is  absolutely fuck all there !!!!....shock you may think ..the whole  loch ness is perpetuated by tales of  fishermen saying they have spotted this that and the other...well we all know how fisherman exaggerate about the size of their catch (and probably their manhood too !!!).........Photos mean shit ,they can be doctored ,no one has  actually has had a close up i mean  close up of the  actual unless you have  a  really verified account and no fuzzy pictures ...its really quite a load of bollocks ....i really do love loch ness in all its beauty ,and urquart castle is a beautiful place in all its entirety ...and there is nothing more beautiful than loch ness in sunrise,sunset,darkness and light....but the legend of nessie i personally believe is the perpetuated ,by many many drunk men on many a late night fishing expidition....but in all fairness ,it does  help and  create a good economy ..........

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rare Persian carpet sold for $33.7 million in New York City | Fox News

Rare Persian carpet sold for $33.7 million in New York City | Fox News:

'via Blog this'.....i guess when you have  so much money to play with know like  instead of  investing it in an  old  rug its gawdawful looking....maybe  starving kids  might benefit  better  with  33 mill...ooppss  that  would be  called  caring .....



'via Blog this'....the things  people will do to get attention,could this idiot not be more  creative ...well its true what andy warhole say's   everyone get's their 15 mins of  fame or  some  shit   like that ...i personally think  15 mins is  way too much .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......